Sunday, 3 January 2010

A day trip to Europe

We made a quick raid on Calais and Boulougne this week - a break from holidays at home. The weather was wet, windy and cold so sight-seeing was not going to be on the agenda. Mercifully the snow and ice of recent days let up an we were allowed a journey unimpeded - even the crossings were relatively smooth.

After a 2 hour drive, the opportunity for re-creation the ferry journey affords was very welcome. Sitting in the lounge looking out over the sea whilst drinking a cup of decent coffee is the way to go. I've only used the tunnel a few times. The journey is quick, but my experience has been of waiting too long in holding areas before loading. I don't think the total package gives you much more of a time saving than the ferry.

I make several day trips to Calais each year with a good friend. We head off in a pre-determined direction, maybe to Dunkerque, inland to Saint Omer, or west to Le Touquet. This time I went with my wife which was a very pleasant change. We went to Boulougne for lunch in the Restaurant Haute Ville, a restaurant I have been visiting for a good 10 years now. Excellent food and service in charming surroundings - right opposite the Notre Dame. Good value for money.

We made the obligatory visit to Auchan to stock up on French essentials and then made our way back to the Ferry Terminal and homeward. A very pleasant day out. Give it a try sometime.

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