Sunday, 9 May 2010

Grace - 'yearn'

Based on the story of The Prodigal Son from Luke and using poems and songs by the Irish poet Pádraig Ó Tuama we explored themes of yearning for home and identifying with different characters in the story. It began by asking what/where do we consider home to be? Today I saw the answer:

Which pretty much accorded with my response - it's a relationship not a place.

The service included rapping, chanting, rituals, visuals and prayers - all good stuff. It also included communion with a very profound and theologically rich Eucharistic prayer. The prayer included the expletive f**k, in terms of describing how we get things wrong repeatedly, the use of which was at first jarring in that context. I have been reflecting on this and wondered if it was a case of the Church taking communion to the world or whether it was bringing the world - my world - to the brokenness of communion.

In any case a good time of fellowship and worship.

Thank you Sue, Dean and Jonny.

1 comment:

  1. great to see you as ever...
    nice image - should have thought of using it!
