The real danger in allowing ourselves to be fooled by that stance, is that we find it easier to explain away the violence that happens to the characters in a story - we desensitise ourselves and so violence inexorably becomes okay and part and parcel of everyday life. So whereas films like Star Trek, Kill Bill and even No Country for Old Men are emminently watchable in my eyes, why do some 'straight-forward' dramas casue me real difficulty?
I really struggle with movies such as Notes of a Scandal even though it has stunning performances from Cate Blanchett and Judy Dench. I struggled to make it to the end. One film I couldn't watch to the end was Closer even though it had an all star cast (including Natalie Portman who usually gets my full attention). It is thie kind of violence done in these films that I find I cannot watch. Deceit and the abuse of power within relationships are things I find really hard to deal with. (Before anyone gives me the number of thier shrink - I am married to one!)
I wonder what kinds of films others find difficult to watch and why?
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